Knightsbridge Medical Centre

Shop 3 Knightsbridge Shopping Centre, Crn Gilbert Road and Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill. NSW 2154.

8850 7965
Practice Information

Appointments are preferable for the smooth running of the practice, as well as to minimise any delays. Thus, priority will be given to those patients with appointments. Appointments are normally made at 15 minute intervals. This may change if there have been emergencies or the practice is very busy. If you anticipate spending longer time with the doctor i.e. removal of a lesion, insurance examination, complex or multiple problems etc., please advise the receptionist when making the appointment.
Online appointments are also available for standard consultations via the HealthEngine button on this website For new patients, complex or longer appointments, please call the practice on 88507965.

The consultation fees are displayed at the reception desk. A private fee is charged for the first consultation in each calendar year. All consultations on Saturdays are also privately billed. Follow-up consultations will be bulk-billed. However if for any reason you are unable to pay, arrangements should be made with staff to pay at a later visit. The doctor will generally discuss with you the possible costs for any treatment, investigation, referrals or procedures prior to it being done. Please feel free to discuss with us any matters relating to fees. Insurance Examinations, Workers Compensation, Medical Reports and Third Party cases will be privately billed at AMA rates. Medical reports and certificates will be billed according to complexity. Home visits and after hours service will be charged at AMA rates at the time of visit. We reserve the right to charge full fees for telephone consultations, missed appointments or cancellations with less than 4 hour notice. Repeat prescriptions for medication will be at the discretion of the doctor. The fee for a prescription without seeing the doctor is $15.00. If the doctor feels that a review is necessary, you may be requested to make an appointment to see the doctor. Please note that all fees are at the discretion of the individual doctor and are not mandated by the practice as the doctors are independent contractors.

Telephone Access and After Hours Access
If you need to contact the doctor, please ring during office hours. You may need to leave a message for the doctor to contact you later if the doctor is busy. In an emergency you will always be put through to the doctor. So that we comply with legal and ethical requirements all requests for referrals and repeat prescriptions must be done in a consultation with your doctor. Only at the discretion of your doctor can a repeat prescription be issued without a consultation.
Home visits are available, for regular patients, if you are too sick to attend the surgery. Requests for home visits are best made before 11 am and should be within a 2 km radius. Please remember that home visits are time consuming and the doctors can see at least 2-3 patients in the time taken to visit one at home. However, emergencies will be given priority at all times.
Visits can also be made to existing patients in Nursing homes, Retirement villages and hospitals.
After-hours emergency services will be provided by the doctors in the practice. They are contactable on the practice mobile phone as per the answering machine message. Emergency services can also be contacted by dialling 000 and asking for emergency ambulance. Other after hours options in the area are listed on this website.

Privacy Policy
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. If you need a copy of your results or other health information please talk to your doctor. A copy of our Privacy Policy is available at the reception. We abide by the Australian Privacy Principles available at:
For research and teaching purposes de-identified information may be used. Please inform the practice staff if you wish to opt out of these research projects.
We also send information to disease specific registers (cervical, bowel, breast cancer registers and immunisation register). If you wish to opt out of these register, please inform the practice staff.
View our Privacy Policy here:
View our Email Policy here:
View our Social Media Policy here: